
Fiona Lynch | 成人世界里的异想天开

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Fiona Lynch和她的团队在一个狭窄的维多利亚式露台上挥舞着他们的魔杖,将其生活空间变成了宁静的绿洲。复杂的色彩、多样的纹理、精致的材料、定制的和家具,创造了一种成人世界里异想天开的空间,如果曾经有过这样一种矛盾修饰法的话。Fiona Lynch也是墨尔本工作室的标志,以其设计的独特性、屡获殊荣的成果而闻名,South Yarra项目也不例外。


South Yarra Residence

Fiona Lynch and her team have waved their magic wand on a narrow Victorian Terrace, transforming its living spaces into an oasis of calm. Sophisticated colours, playful textures, refined materials, custom details and a sublime curation of furniture pieces create a sense of grown-up whimsy, if ever there was such an oxymoron. The studio’s artistic approach to interiors is the hallmarks of the Melbourne-based practice, renowned for their supremely beautiful, award-winning outcomes, and this project in South Yarra is no exception. 

客厅多出采用了弧形设计,Arflex的弧形Ben Ben沙发和Cassina的Charlotte Perriand的咖啡桌,但Fiona说这不是故意的。起居室中的其他家具作品包括Christophe Delcourt设计的Iko and Leo边桌、Ligne Roset设计的迷人丰满的Pumpkin Armchair和Ottoman,以及Hans Wegner为PP Møbler设计的hirsute Flag Halyard chair。
A circular approach seems to have played out in the living room, with curved Ben Ben sofa from Arflex and Charlotte Perriand’s Rio coffee table for Cassina, however Fiona says this was not intentional. Some of the other pieces in the project include Christophe Delcourt’s Iko and Leo side tables, Ligne Roset’s invitingly plump Pumpkin armchair and ottoman, and Hans Wegner’s hirsute Flag Halyard chair for PP Møbler. 

我们的客户想要创造一个既可以放松又可以招待客人的空间。当重新规划他们的用餐和正式生活区域时,我们使用纹理来创造一个适合各种用途的迷人空间。The brief given by our client was to create a space in which they could relax but also entertain guests,” explains Fiona. “When re-planning their dining and formal living areas, we played with textures to create an engaging space suitable for various uses,” she continues.


Bespoke joinery pieces sit on either side of the fireplace in both rooms. The formal living area provides open shelves made from painted oak, with internal lining and the shelves wrapped in aged bronze sheets. These beautifully crafted joinery elements sit firmly on custom marble boxes that match the cladding of the fireplace surrounds.


Although blessed with plenty of personality and regal proportions, the narrow Victorian terrace faces west. Its small heritage windows, coupled with large trees on the street limit the amount of natural light within the interior. A considerable effort was given to ensuring the rooms felt welcoming and bright. “It was important to give a different take on how the space felt previously,” says Fiona. 


现有的“orange tinted”木地板,墙面被重新粉刷,空间立即变成了空白的画布,从而为后续的配色方案增色不少。Fiona说:“我们使用了柔和的粉红色和绿色以及不同的纹理,例如沙发和地毯的粗花呢编织。”

The existing “orange tinted” timber floors were whitewashed, and the walls were painted in a lighter shade which instantly transformed the blank canvas, allowing for the subsequent layering of a sophisticated colour scheme. “We played with a soft palette of pinks and greens and different textures such as the tweed-like weave of the sofa and rug,” said Fiona. 

在用餐区,Christophe Delcourt设计的原橡木YBU餐桌具有美丽的风化纹理,并配有Mario Bellini标志性的Casina Conic Cab Chairs 。“空间故意在棕褐色和灰色皮革之间交替使用。”
In the dining room, Christophe Delcourt’s YBU dining table in raw oak has a beautiful weathered texture, accompanied by Mario Bellini iconic Cab chairs for Cassina. “We deliberately alternated the leather colour between tan and grey.” 


The dining room joinery features bi-fold doors with a custom handle crafted from a circular solid oak section, adding a playful touch. Consistent with the living room, this joinery piece sits on the marble plinth that compliments the adjacent stone fireplace. 


When asked how she and her team would sum up this project in a single word, Fiona is quick to exclaim – “Joyful”. But there is so much more to this little jewel that manages to feel playful yet grown up, rigorously edited yet free-spirited all at once. “The end result looks effortless; however much time was spent selecting and reviewing each material, detail or furniture piece,” concludes Fiona. I have no doubt this is entirely true.

于  菲奥娜•林奇

Fiona Lynch

Fiona Lynch拥有超过20年的设计经验,领导一个具有建筑和室内设计专长的团队。Fiona Lynch design 总部设在科林伍德,以其室内设计的艺术手法而著称,擅长在商业零售项目,酒店展厅设计和住宅项目中实现美丽而真实的设计成果。他们始终坚持创造性地使用空间,认为材料和定制细节是设计的标志。




融合于咖啡厅里的家具展厅Café Craft

